Autumn Equinox

Published on 1 September 2024 at 08:58

The autumn equinox occurs when the day and the night are the same length; after the equinox the nights will be longer than the days. The date of the autumn equinox varies and this year, in the UK, it’s on 22 September. You are most likely to see the northern lights on the nights surrounding the equinoxes so look out for them.

On the autumn equinox, feasts are held to celebrate the end of the harvest with bread and seasonal vegetables taking centre stage. The harvest moon is the nearest full moon to the autumn equinox and is on the 18th this year. It’s an opportune time to thank spirits and deities associated with the harvest such as the Greek goddess Demeter or the Norse god Freyr.

I’d love to hear your plans for the autumn equinox.

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