Often, when researching, I come across articles and rituals that assume their readers follow particular deities — wiccan deities usually.
I try to keep my blog and social media from pushing any particular worship because I want my writing to have value regardless of my readers’ paths. I want everyone, regardless of spiritual beliefs to feel accepted. I also don’t want to give readers the idea that I have the answers, or that my path is the best path, or that you even need a path. And, my path is personal to me so I prefer to keep it private.
If you’re searching for a path, here’re some thoughts which may help:
You may see signs that a particular deity wants you to follow them, trust your intuition.
If you’re interested in the fair folk, do your research first as they can be dangerous. They are said to be fond of sweets though.
Pop culture witchcraft is valid. If you wish to worship fictional deities, or incorporate fiction into your practice, you should.
There are witches who worship deities from several different pantheons.
The best advice I can give is that, if you’re struggling to find a path, try to follow one you think ‘might’ be right. The worst that can happen is you turn out to be wrong and you can look for something else. And maybe the path for you doesn’t involve worshipping anything at all, and that’s fine too.
And if your spirituality is linked to your politics, that's no bad thing.
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